Dear friends
Welcome to the webpage of Himalayan for Christ.
I believe that the Creator God is in the business of restoring his
creation by transforming humanity. Every human being has the potential
to contribute in God’s business of Restoration. However, restoration
can happen only if we invest ourselves in the transformation of
individuals, families, and society. This is achievable through moral
education that enhances knowledge and skills; builds capacity; motivates
enabling us to generate revenue. Human beings are resilient, potential,
intellectually capable of becoming self-reliant and productive member
of the society.
The Himalayan for Christ is a charitable trust dedicated to serve
the underprivileged in our region, northeast India. As a non-government
organization, we desire to come along side of other Society, Trust,
and Government to turn our dream into reality. Together we can build
a transformed society. We invite all likeminded people to join with
us in providing selfless service to transform our society and nation.
Please visit our website for more information and see how you can
partner with Himalayan for Christ in its great movement of transformation.
Dr. Asangla Ao
President, HFC
HFC response to COVID 19 short video