4E Purbasa Apt, Sachal Road, Six Mile, Guwahati




Community Transformation Training

Community Transformation Training (CTT): Our goal is to provide a helping hand to the common people of N.E. India as in many villages they have not experienced the socio-economic reforms. So, our sole responsibility towards these people is to spread awareness of health, sanitation and education among them.

Testimony: In one of the villages, during our meeting with the SHG we were conducting a regular B.P check to see one factor of health of the ladies and there we found 2 ladies having very high pressure that we ask them to visit a doctor as soon as they can without wasting a day and ask the rest of the ladies to be accountable and see that they do visit the doctor. Later, on our next meeting with them during the accountability time when we ask the ladies, we found that they had visited the doctor and that few ladies of the SHG see to it that they went. We were glad to see the earnestness of the ladies and we believe this came because today they are more health conscious and they value their health more than before, because of the awareness that we brought through our CTT meetings.

Water and Sanitation Hygiene Program (WASH): 80% of the water borne diseases is caused by unsafe sanitation and unhygienic practice as per the record of government Health Volunteers known as ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist). To see reduction of water borne diseases like Diarrhea and Jaundice in villages, by enhancing access to sustainable and safe water and sanitation, and hygiene.


  • Knowledge enhanced on WASH.
  • Increase access to safe drinking water and use of improved sanitation facilities through construction of Latrines in households where needed.
  • The existing leadership committees such as: SHGs, Youth Club, Women’s Society etc. would be capable to make WASH sustainable.

Bio Sand Water Filter Installation: First the sample of water is taken from the village area and then examined whether it is of drinkable or not. Once the water result comes we give awareness training program to the village community on water treatment and diseases caused by unsafe and polluted water. Our motto is “precaution is better than cure”. So, we give emphasis on healthy food and drinking habit so that common diseases could be prevented.

Veterinary Camp: Vet. Camps are organized in different villages for awareness and vaccination purposes. How to rear animals like cow, goat etc are taught and different diseases that might affect the animal are elaborately discussed.

Awareness Campaigns

Social Justice

Social Justice is a revolutionary concept which provides meaning and significance to life and makes the rule of law dynamic. HFC has its awareness programs through which it tries to bring forth the social injustice in society into light and accordingly resort to a meaningful conclusion. What our organization seeks is to meet the challenge of socio-economic inequality by Indian legislation and with the assistance of the rule of Law; it seeks to achieve socio-economic Justice without any violent conflict. Hence HFC’s motto on social justice is simple “The Idea of welfare state is that the claims of social Justice must be treated as cardinal and paramount”.

Human Trafficking

Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including right here in India. It can happen in any community and victims can be of any age, race, gender, or nationality. Traffickers might use violence, manipulation, or false promises of well-paying jobs or romantic relationships to lure victims into trafficking situations. So, HFC caters an avenue through which people can raise their voice against this atrocities and accordingly finding solution through public awareness.

Corruption and Social Evils

In today’s world greed and evil desires of man has lead to wide speared corruption, whether in higher levels of bureaucracy or due to inefficient administrative structures. And at the same time we raise voice against social evil like untouchability, child marriage etc. Our organization helps to raise voice against such social evils in our society.